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Creating New Workflows


Class-based workflows must follow Simmate naming conventions to work properly.

Basic Workflows

Any python function can be a workflow. There are two steps to convert it:

  1. add the @workflow decorator
  2. include **kwargs as an input

For example:

from simmate.engine import workflow

def add(x, y, **kwargs):
    return x + y

status =, y=2)
result = status.result()

As you build more advanced workflows, you may want to switch to a class-based format. To do this, you must:

  1. set the class name using Simmate conventions
  2. define a run_config method
  3. add @staticmethod or @classmethod to run_config
  4. include **kwargs as an input to run_config

For example (using the same function as above):

from simmate.engine import Workflow

class Math__Basic__Add(Workflow):

    use_database = False  # we don't have a database table yet

    def run_config(x, y, **kwargs):
        return x + y

status =, y=2)
result = status.result()


Stick to @workflow for simple utilities. Class-based workflows are more important for sharing advanced features. For example, this is how we build reusable classes such as VaspWorkflow or S3Workflow, which are cover elsewhere in our guides.


Here's is a more advanced example that shows how class-based workflows can take advantage of other class methods:

class Example__Python__Add100(Workflow):

    use_database = False # we don't have a database table yet

    constant = 100

    def add_constant(cls, x):
        return x + cls.constant

    def run_config(cls, x, **kwargs):
        return cls.add_constant(x)

And also leverage class inheritance to reuse code:

# we inherit from the class above!
class Example__Python__Add300(Example__Python__Add100):
    constant = 300

Extra **kwargs provided

In the workflows above, we used **kwargs in each of our workflows. This is because Simmate automatically passes default parameters to the run_config method -- even if you didn't define them as inputs when calling run().

We do this to allow all workflows to access key information about the run. These parameters are:

  • run_id: a unique id for tracking a calculation
  • directory: a unique folder name where the calculation will take place
  • compress_output: whether to compress the directory to a zip file when completed
  • source: where the input of this calculation came from (experimental feature)

You can use any of these inputs to assist with your workflow. Alternatively, just add **kwargs to your function and ignore them.


from simmate.engine import workflow

def example(run_id, **kwargs):
    print(**kwargs)  # to view others

status =  # We don't have to provide `run_id`
result = status.result()

Using toolkit Parameters

You often will use input parameters that correspond to toolkit objects, such as Structure or Composition. If you use the matching input parameter name, these will inherit all of their features -- such as loading from filename, a dictionary, or python object.

For example, if you use a structure input variable, it behaves as described in the Parameters section.

from simmate.toolkit import Structure
from simmate.engine import Workflow

class Example__Python__GetVolume(Workflow):

    use_database = False  # we don't have a database table yet

    def run_config(structure, **kwargs):
        assert type(structure) == Structure  # (1) 
        return structure.volume  # (2)
  1. Even if we give a filename as an input, Simmate will convert it to a toolkit object for us
  2. you can interact with the structure object because it is a toolkit object


If you see a parameter in our documentation that has similar use to yours, make sure you use the same name. It can help with adding extra functionality.

Writing Output Files

Of all the default parameters (described above in **kwargs), you'll likely get the most from using the directory input.

directory is given as a pathlib.Path object. Just add the directory to your run_config() method and use the object that's provided. For example:

from simmate.engine import Workflow

class Example__Python__WriteFile(Workflow):

    use_database = False  # we don't have a database table yet

    def run_config(directory, **kwargs):
        output_file = directory / "my_output.txt" # (1)
        with"w") as file:
            file.write("Writing my output!")
        return "Done!"  # (2)
  1. We use the directory created by Simmate and it will automatically be a path.Pathlib object
  2. We don't need to define the directory as Simmate automatically builds one. We can, however, provide one if we wish.

Progam-specific Workflows

For many apps, there are workflow classes that you can use as a starting point. Make sure you explore the Apps section of our documentation to see what is available.

For example, VASP users can inherit from the VaspWorkflow class, which includes many built-in features:

from simmate.apps.vasp.workflows.base import VaspWorkflow

class Relaxation__Vasp__MyExample1(VaspWorkflow):

    functional = "PBE"
    potcar_mappings = {"Y": "Y_sv", "C": "C"}

    _incar = dict(

Building from Existing Workflows

Class-based workflows can leverage Python inheritance to borrow utilities and settings from an existing workflows.

Here is an example using a workflow from the VASP app:

from simmate.workflows.utilities import get_workflow

original_workflow = get_workflow("static-energy.vasp.matproj")

class StaticEnergy__Vasp__MyCustomPreset(original_workflow):

    _incar_updates = dict(


How you update a workflow depends on the app you are using. Be sure to read the Apps section of our documentation for more information.

Linking a Database Table

Many workflows will want to store common types of data (such as static energy or relaxation data). If you want to use these tables automatically, you simply need to ensure your name_type matches what is available.

For example, if we look at a static-energy calculation, you will see the StaticEnergy database table is automatically used because the name of our workflow starts with StaticEnergy:

from simmate.database import connect
from simmate.database.workflow_results import StaticEnergy

assert StaticEnergy__Vasp__MyCustomPreset.database_table == StaticEnergy

If you want to build or use a custom database, you must first have a registered DatabaseTable, and then you can link the database table to your workflow directly. The only other requirement is that your database table uses the Calculation database mix-in:

from my_project.models import MyCustomTable

class Example__Python__MyFavoriteSettings(Workflow):
    database_table = MyCustomTable

Workflows that Call a Command

In many cases, you may have a workflow that runs a command or some external program and then reads the results from output files. An example of this would be an energy calculation using VASP. If your workflow involves calling another program, you should read about the "S3" workflow (S3Workflow) which helps with writing input files, calling other programs, and handling errors.

Registering Your Workflow

Registering your workflow so that you can access it in the UI requires you to build a "simmate project". This is covered in the getting-started tutorials.