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Simmate Website Module

Local Server Setup

To set up Simmate on your local computer, execute the following command:

simmate run-server

While this command is running, open your preferred browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and navigate to

Production Server Setup

To set up a production-ready server for your team, you have three options:

  1. Collaborate with the Simmate team and join our server
  2. Request our team to manage a server for you
  3. Set up and manage your own server

For options 1 and 2, contact us at

For option 3, follow our guide for setting up a server on DigitalOcean. Ensure you've completed the base Simmate tutorials, particularly the ones on setting up a cloud database and setting up computational resources.


We are in the process of building setups via docker-compose/swarm as well as a kubernetes/helm chart to simplify server setup. Therefore, our guides for production setup may change significantly in future releases.

Third-Party Sign-Ins

Simmate supports sign-ins via third-party accounts such as Google and Github, thanks to the django-allauth package.

By default, servers won't display these sign-in buttons. If you wish to enable third-party account logins, you'll need to configure this manually. Although django-allauth supports many account types (see their full list), Simmate currently only supports Github and Google. Guides for setting these up are provided below.

Github OAuth

  1. Create a new OAuth application here using the following information (replace with your cloud server link if applicable):
application name = My New Simmate Server (edit as desired)
homepage url =
authorization callback url =
  1. On the next page, select "Generate a new client secret" and copy this value.

  2. Set the environment variables on your local computer or production-ready server:

    GITHUB_SECRET = examplekey1234 (value from step 2)
    GITHUB_CLIENT_ID = exampleid1234 (value listed on Github as "Client ID")

Google OAuth

  1. Follow the django-allauth steps here to configure the Google API application.
  2. Set the environment variables on your local computer or production-ready server:
    GOOGLE_SECRET = examplekey1234
    GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = exampleid1234

CSS and JS Assets

Simmate doesn't distribute most source CSS and JavaScript files due to licensing restrictions on our third-party vendor assets. We use the Hyper theme from the CoderThemes team. You can contribute to Simmate's website using their Modern Dashboard template without needing to access any of the assets. Our templates load assets from a Simmate CDN:

<!-- Normal asset loading with source code distribution -->
<link href="assets/css/vendor/fullcalendar.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- Simmate's CDN-based asset loading -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

If you need to modify the CSS or JS, please contact our team to discuss the best approach.