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Simmate REST API


This section is only for experts! If you're aiming to extract data from Simmate, we suggest using our Python client, as outlined in the database guides. The REST API is mainly for teams that cannot use Simmate's python package but still need to extract data. Be aware that data extraction via our REST API is heavily throttled, making it unsuitable for large data retrievals.


"REST API" stands for "Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interfaces (API)". In simpler terms, it's a way to access databases through a website URL.

Example Endpoint

To better understand our API, we'll use the Materials Project data as an example. You can view this data at /data/MatprojStructure/. Keep in mind, nearly every URL within Simmate's Data tab has REST API functionality and behaves the same as this dataset.

API Usage

Consider a typical URL and webpage:

This link takes you to a webpage where you can browse all Materials Project structures. However, this URL also serves as a REST API. To access it, simply add ?format=api to the URL. Try this link:

Likewise, adding ?format=json will return data in a JSON dictionary:

This also applies to individual entries. For example, to access all data for the structure with id mp-1, use...

The output should look like...

    "id": "mp-1",
    "structure": "...(hidden for clarity)",
    "nsites": 1,
    "nelements": 1,
    "elements": ["Cs"],
    "chemical_system": "Cs",
    "density": 1.9350390306525629,
    "density_atomic": 0.00876794537479071,
    "volume": 114.05180544066401,
    "volume_molar": 68.68360262958124,
    "formula_full": "Cs1",
    "formula_reduced": "Cs",
    "formula_anonymous": "A",
    "energy": -0.85663276,
    "energy_per_atom": -0.85663276,
    "energy_above_hull": null,
    "is_stable": null,
    "decomposes_to": null,
    "formation_energy": null,
    "formation_energy_per_atom": null,
    "spacegroup": 229,

Filtering Results

Our URLs also support advanced filtering. For instance, to search for all structures with the spacegroup 229 in the Cr-N chemical system, the URL becomes...

Conditions are specified by adding a question mark (?) to the URL, followed by example_key=desired_value. Additional conditions are separated by &, resulting in key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3, etc. You can also add format=api to this.

However, for complex or advanced cases, we recommend using the simmate.database module, as it provides more robust filtering capabilities.

Pagination of Results

To avoid server overload, Simmate currently returns a maximum of 12 results at a time. Pagination is automatically managed using the page=... keyword in the URL. In the HTML, API, and JSON views, links to the next page of results are always provided. For instance, in the JSON view, the returned data includes next and previous URLs.

Ordering Results

You can set the order of returned data by adding ordering=example_column to your URL. To reverse the order, use ordering=-example_column (note the "-" before the column name). For example:

Programmer access & API Keys

Public Website

The public Simmate website does not require you to be authenticated to access our API endpoints. You can therefore call API endpoints anonymously:

import requests

url = ''
response = requests.get(url)

curl -X GET http://localhost/data/CortevaTarget/?format=api

Private Servers

Some custom servers (such as Simmate's Corteva site), do require authenticated users to ensure data secuirity. For these, you can access endpoints by providing an API key.

  1. find your API key in the Profile page of the website and select the View API Key at the bottom of the page. The key will be something like...


  2. make sure you provide the API as a header in your requests:

    import requests
    url = ''
    headers = {'Authorization': 'Token 59ced7225bb41d51b7bc78c1e269542eaa99c72f'}
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token 59ced7225bb41d51b7bc78c1e269542eaa99c72f'

Advanced API Usage

Simmate's REST API is built using the django-rest-framework Python package, and filtering is implemented using django-filter.

Our endpoints are dynamically created for each request, thanks to our SimmateAPIViewset class in the module, which automatically renders an API endpoint from a Simmate database table. The backend implementation of dynamic APIs is still experimental as we assess the pros and cons of this approach -- for example, it allows for quick Django configuration, but at the expense of increased CPU time per web request.